Swift Heroes 2018

In 2018 my company launched Swift Heroes, a conference for international Swift devs.

We came from many years organising Droidcon (the international Android conference) and I was personally waiting for years to be able to confront with other developers and try to have a public speech for the very first time in my life.

I chose one of my favorite topics, RxSwift, and how devs could apply it from a UI perspective, rather than focusing on “normal” concepts like API calls and stuff.

With the organizing committee I chose a small room rather than the main one, as I thought not so many people would have come to listen to “an outsider” while on the other stage a more famous speaker than me was speaking. I couldn’t be more wrong than that, as the room was quickly filled by more than 200 people.

This was my face when I saw the whole scene from the stage (right after a mild panic attack)

panic at swift heroes 2018

I think the contents were really good, while I could have surely have done something more for my english speaking (lesson learned for 2019 :) )

Demo repository can be found on my Github

RxSwift for UI - the tips & tricks your views were waiting for

I was also interviewed by a local television right after my talk. In this mostly absurd interview, I’ve been talking about how sometimes I used to “code in my sleep”. I still do, actually.